Sarah Wolf


Since 2015, Wolf Ceramics has been following their mission: to create pieces that people will make a part of their lives, pieces that will have a home. More and more, these pieces have been finding their way into the hands of a steadily growing community in and outside of their Portland home base. Wolf Ceramics has built a following by being true to their art, and valuing quality over quantity.

The force behind it is Sarah Wolf. A native Oregonian, Sarah’s always been an artist and maker. With a degree in geochemistry and on the way to an architecture program, Sarah reevaluated what made her happy. Turns out, it was her hobby. So, she started Mug Club, a subscription handmade mug-a-season venture, which she molded and shaped into Wolf Ceramics. She’s proof you can take what you love and build a community around it.

Try it out, fail, try it again. Fail lots and fail fast and you’ll learn so much.

When I know more about how something is made, I feel more inclined to own fewer, higher quality things.